The Team

“Life is too short to drink bad wine”

Guido & Nelly Auchli,
Principals and current custodians of 1837 Barossa

“We offer best-in-class wine experiences”

Shane Hodges, Cellar Door Management

Tony Shi and Lisa Lu, Export Asia

“Winemaking is a testament to passion and patience.”

Vigneron Guido Auchli and
Vintner Peter Gajewski

“Wherever wine grapes are grown, it is beautiful”

Michael Heinrich (Left) and his team,
5th–generation Barossan grower and
1837  Barossa Chief Grape Grower

Australian family owned
From the Auchli family, who own and operate the winery, to our grape growers and winemakers, we have an immense daily passion about wine which is rooted in the origin of 1837 Barossa. Tremendous dedication to each detail, and the tough demands that we make on ourselves: this is what drives us at 1837 Barossa every day.  Since decades the Auchli family and their dedicated team travelled throughout the world on behalf of 1837 Barossa, and met distributors, experts and wine enthusiasts mainly in Europe. Nelly & Guido Auchli, Principals at current custodians of 1837 Barossa organized wine events and make themselves available to visitors and guests at 1837 Barossa. Enthusiasts of 1837 Barossa can combine the joy of a wine tasting and a meeting with our wine ambassadors; it is an opportunity to exchange experiences, discuss vintages and share the joys of such pleasure.


Our Winemakers: Barossa Valley master craftsman of wine making
1837 Barossa succeeded in gaining the most renowned winemakers of Australia. The Auchli family has been instrumental in gaining the best talents available from all over the world to produce the most iconic Australian wines. The team of winemakers is supervised by the Vigneron Guido Auchli and Vintner Peter Gajewski. Each individual step in wine production is carried out in the same way a grand painter uses oils to paint a work of art. Perfection in each brushstroke, until the painting has achieved its intrinsic value. In this respect, the winemakers of 1837 Barossa are artisans through and through. Our winemaker understands that it takes this utter devotion to create a truly grand wine. In applying this passion, with each vintage, our winemaker crafts an astounding top-level wine that consistently amazes impassioned wine enthusiasts, and that wine experts regularly crown with the highest marks.


Our vintners: 5th generation of Barossa master vintners
1837 Barossa and the Auchli family is proud to have perhaps the best vintners of our time for the growing of vineyard grapes. Viticulture is overseen by 5th–generation grower Michael Heinrich with a philosophy of minimal chemical input. The A–graded vineyards are currently undergoing a transformation into EcoVineyards with native plantings. Viticulture is our grape growers passion. Each stage in the work process is in itself a handicraft, one that should be carried out with a passion for detail and a singular goal in mind: to produce the best grapes of Barossa Valley, every year. This, in turn, can have only one purpose: to establish the foundation for a grand wine.


Our Cellar Door 1837 Barossa Pavilion
In a partnership the cellar door is run by Shane Hodges. Shane has tremendous experience in tourism. He and his team run the cellar door, wine club, corporate events and functions. Shane loves the History of 1837 Barossa and is eager to tell episode from Col. William Lights colorful live. Toni Shi and Lisa Lu have extensive contacts in Asia and oversea new market opportunities for 1837 Barossa, especially Asian markets.